Friday, January 12, 2007

"Five Things About Me" Meme

I've apparently been "called out" by K to participate in some sort of "list 5 things most people don't know about you" meme. I'm not normally a meme sort of person, but I'll do half of this one. That is, I'll try to come up with a list of five things, but I won't call out anyone else =)
  1. I have a perfectly good (albeit cheap and antique-looking) bookshelf that can hold all of my books, but it's been sitting there mostly empty for 6-12 months. All of my books are piled in stacks on the floor a few feet away.
  2. I've been told that I'm related to Mother Goose, but Wikipedia says, "no specific writer has ever been identified with such a name." I'll have to ask the genealogists in my family what the deal is there.
  3. I've never owned a television. I stopped watching it regularly when a teacher challenged our class to stop watching it for a week. I did, and the non-watching habit largely stuck. I don't normally participate in phone-based polls, but someone called me one time to poll me on my television watching habits, and I was oddly excited to participate and (legitimately) skew the numbers. To my dismay, none of the available answers even took into consideration that I might not watch TV. I tried answering all their questions with, "I don't have a TV, so I don't watch TV," but they kept saying I had to respond with one of their pre-set answers, so I was stuck having to say things like, "I watch 1-2 hours of TV a day" and "I have 1-13 TV channels available to me."
  4. Growing up, I watched two of my friends get into a car accident that involved their car rolling a couple times and skidding upside down into a ditch. I stopped, ran up to the car (and it was dark out, so I couldn't see into the car), and kept yelling their names, but they didn't answer. For what felt like an eternity (but was probably only 30 seconds or so), before I heard movement in the car, I thought they were dead. They later said they heard me yelling but that it sounded like I was really far away.
  5. This very minute, I'm tired and am going to bed. You probably could have guessed that, but you didn't know it, so my obligation has been fulfilled.


r4kk4 said...

that whole thing about your friends in the car is freaking me out!!

Aaron said...

It freaked me out too! Luckily everyone survived without much harm.