Friday, January 12, 2007

working from home, basketball, relaxing

Being able to work from home, where there are few distractions, and nearly finish a project I only started yesterday for work: good.

My team winning today's league basketball game with a shot as time expired: great.

A leisurely-paced walk home in the snow, after dark, on quiet side-streets; picking up two new books from the library; taking a warm shower, further warming up with a cup of hot chocolate, and generally relaxing: priceless.

As an side to my statement above about work, I started to see the potential benefit of having multiple monitors. I always thought virtual desktops were good enough, and I guess I still think they are when one's job consists of doing many small projects. But when you're coding, testing your code, referencing web pages, and manually querying databases as part of a single project, having to jump around to different virtual desktops (or worse, having all those windows on a single desktop) kind of stinks. I read an article recently about what the best bang for the buck is with respect to monitors, and it said three 21" monitors for around $1,000 was probably the best bet, as opposed to one bigger monitor (or even a 37" HDTV) for around the same price. I don't have the link handy, though, or I'd give it to you.

Leff mentioned that you could add feeds to the Blogger sidebar, which I didn't know. I thought about sharing items via Google Reader, but after some thought, I've decided to share things via So, there's my new feed on the right-hand side.


leff said...

Yeah, google reader is nice, but you have to get articles in there in order to share them.

That means subscribing to the feed, even if you just want to share that one article. And it rules out sharing old articles and non rssed pages.

Aaron said...

Yeah, those were basically my reasons. Specifically, I'd find a link in my feed reader to something good, but I would want to share the final link, not the article in my feed reader that I found the neat thing through.